cavadinha de weller pra quando cansar desse negócio de música?
Arquivo da tag: paul weller
será que elazinha gostaria de receber essa fotoca com p.weller?
paul weller (the jam) / londres / novembro1980
p.blackhill & p.weller…
Assunto: Paulo sábado no Forum“não consegui pegar o setlist ):
fmas foi esse AQUI, animal o show… segue a fotoca
niver de boa, não comemoro, só mais careca e grisalho e pançudo, mais dores na coluna e joelho, hahaha
RSD passou batido pra mim, encontrei com o Momo de dia e a noite fomos ver o Paulo
RSD sem grana é duro, haha, quebrei o porco pra ver duas vezes os Stones no Hyde Park e o Roxy Music na O2 Arena, ainda dóipescou algum disco?
Pedro Blackhill
tá bom o cardápio pro almoço (deles)?
The Modfather covers Eddie Floyd’s classic Ain’t No Love in session for Chris Evans (and a star-studded studio audience including Harry Styes, Guy Richie and Pink Floyd’s Nick Mason) on BBC Radio 2’s Breakfast Show.
em brighton, dezembro2016
caramba, a cena final onde aparecem robert wyatt e danny thompson saindo do palco provocou um blublu forte… mamãe, que leNdas. que figuras fundamentais para a minha vidinha… coincidentemente, um xará – nos dois únicos comentários dessa maravilha no youtube – escreveu (por mim):

tatiana mandou pra gente…
weller em modo ronnie lane… normalíssimo!
( :
weller+wyatt+thompson (ou the outsider)…
Paul Weller forms supergroup with Robert Wyatt, Danny Thompson to play concert for Jeremy Corbyn
Paul Weller is to take part in a series of concerts in support of Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn.
Weller will front a one-off group also featuring Robert Wyatt, Pentangle’s Danny Thompson and Weller’s drummers Steve Pilgrim and Ben Gordelier.
The show, People Powered: Concert For Corbyn, will be held at Brighton Dome on December 16. It’s the first in a planned series of gigs celebrating Corbyn’s policies.
lso playing the show are Temples, Kathryn Williams, Stealing Sheep, The Farm, Jim Jones And The Righteous Mind, Edgar Summertyme and Ghetto Priest. Tickets are £25, on sale on Friday (October 14).
The show is the first time that former Wyatt has played live since he curated Meltdown Festival in 2001. In 2014, Wyatt had retired from making music.
“I’m doing the gig because I like what Corbyn says and stands for,” says Weller. “I think its time to take the power out of the hands of the elite and hand it back to the people of this country. I want to see a government that has some integrity and compassion.”