artigo imperdível de reginaldo defendendo seus colegas de teclas, no the guardian / hoje… cheio de informações especiais sobre alguns dos mais cascudos “caçulinhas” no UK. tipo: zoot money (foto), steve winwood, alan price, jon lord, ian stewart, gary booker, graham bond e outros tantos… AQUI
Arquivo da tag: elton john
reginaldo + grian = romance…
reginaldo, como sempre, acertando na mosca e grian animadão com os elogios!
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negativos & positivos (638) [elton john]…
reginaldo chegando pro carná carioca, entaladão no elevador do hotel…
elton john / leme palace hotel (rio) / fevereiro1978
chico, elton & nick…
chico é, certamente, um dos ouvintes com a maior quilometragem a bordo do jumboteKo… isso, desde a flu fm. JISUS!
ele enviou esse link das gravinas de sir reginaldo com algumas canções de nick drake realizadas em 1970 (e não em 1968 como está estampado)… aliás, comunicação do material é uma tremenda pegadinha já que são apenas 4 de autoria de nick e as outras passam por john martyn, mike heron (incredible string band)… tudo gerenciado pela leNda joe boyd, o tal um que perdeu uma partida de ping-pong para kassin…
The title looks like a joke, or a misprint: Elton John sings at a session that had anything to do with Nick Drake? Surely you jest, sir! But this session actually did take place, though in July 1970, not 1968, as the title indicates. And it’s not John and Drake performing together: John does sing much of the material, but Drake is not present in any way. The full story is that producer Joe Boyd organized these tracks as a publisher’s demo to circulate the compositions of Drake, John & Beverley Martyn, Mike Heron, and Ed Carter. John actually only covers four Drake tunes, and John‘s versions are so different that you might not even recognize the songs without looking at the titles. John strips the music of its odd melancholia; the results sound like, well, early Elton John records. So, despite the good fidelity, it’s a curiosity for both Drake and John fans, nothing more. John also offers covers of other British folk songwriters on the disc, and some of the tracks feature Linda Thompson (then known as Linda Peters) rather than John on vocals. The documentation on this particular bootleg isn’t perfect, incidentally; it’s missing one of the 11 songs that circulate from this session, though not one of the ones that Drakewrote. As a bonus, the CD also contains 14 songs grouped together under the heading “Best of 1968 DJM Demos,” from the time just before John issued his first solo album. The sound quality on these studio recordings isn’t great (though it’s all right), but these are interesting glimpses of the singer/songwriter as his style formed, even if the writing in particular is more derivative at this point than it would be within a couple of years. It’s strongly influenced by late-’60s Beatlesque pop and, to a lesser extent, early singer/songwriters, the Bee Gees, and psychedelia. The material’s more a promising kernel than it is the work of a distinctive talent, although the best of it is modestly enjoyable on its own terms.
diz pra gente, sir reginald…
To celebrate ten years of Record Store Day on 22nd April, 2017, Sir Elton John has been named as the first ever global Record Store Day Legend. In this new interview, Elton talks about his love of record stores, his love of vinyl and lifelong record collecting habits plus his own 2017 Record Store Day release, ‘17.11.70+’.
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For Record Store Day 2017, an expanded two LP edition of the 1970 live session at A&R Studios in New York. Originally released in 1971, 17-11-70 was Elton John’s first ever live album. Presented here in a new expanded edition, LP 1 features the original album, remastered in 2016 by Bob Ludwig, with seven additional tracks–six previously unreleased songs mixed by longtime Elton John collaborator matt Still in Atlanta plus the 1995 bonus track “Amoreena”.
SIDE A: 1 Take Me To The Pilot 2 Honky Tonk Women 3 Sixty Years On 4 Can I Put You On
SIDE B: 1 Bad Side of the Moon 2 Burn Down The Mission (incl. My Baby Left Me/Get Back)
SIDE C: 1 Indian Sunset (previously unreleased bonus track) 2 Amoreena (newly remixed bonus track) 3 Your Song (previously unreleased bonus track)
SIDE D: 1 Country Comfort (previously unreleased bonus track) 2 I Need You To Turn To (previously unreleased bonus track) 3 Border Song (previously unreleased bonus track) 4 My Father’s Gun (previously unreleased bonus track)
choveu chuva (ou como domar a natureza)…
quem esteve, ontem, na apoteose disse ter testemunhado uma das mais inclementes chuvas na cidade de são sebastião… ok, até aí tudo bem, “let it rain”… mas chuva durante show é dose de aturar… ainda mais lá, com zereta de proteção.
só que os mesmos relatos garantem que talvez tenha sido a mais cascuda presença de eltinho em solo carioca. nessas horas, músicos com a bagagem dele (e banda) são movidos pela necessidade de arrancar leite de pedra.
chover sem parar durante uma apresentação a céu aberto na dinamarca é normal… como é na escócia, nos states, no japão… agora, no rio de janeiro?
tenho Histórias incríveis de amigos que nessas situações de temporal – e em muitas com pouca platéia – encontram força e “inspiração” para domar a natureza e transformar a adversidade em algo ultra MEGA positivo… acredite, quem pode pode!
enfim, tomara mesmo que sir reginald tenha feito um show que será guardado para sempre junto às capinhas de chuva de todos que lá estiveram.
segura o flagrante de ontem que um de nossos espiões enviou…
antes de vazar para buenos aires… onde fincará residência durante todas as datas restantes na américa do sul.
ah, eltinho… danado, hein? olha que vou pedir a camisa do racing!
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a bula de sir reginald, ainda agora (às 23:56)…
enviado, especialmente, por agentes inflitrados na crew de eltinho…