Arquivo da tag: bob dylan

provocativo, profundo, extraordinário…

Shadows In The Night, 36º álbum de estúdio de Bob Dylan, estreou em 1º na parada Top Rock Albums, da Billboard. O disco teve 50 mil cópias vendidas na primeira semana, de acordo com a Nielsen Music.

O álbum também chegou à 7ª posição no Billboard 200, quase 50 anos após a primeira aparição de Dylan no Top 10. Bringin It All Back Home (1965) entreou nas dez mais em 29 de maio de 1965.

Shadows também chegou ao topo da parada Vinyl Album, com quatro mil cópias comercializadas. O trabalho é uma coleção de covers de clássicos do pop americano feitas pelo lendário músico.

O último disco de inéditas de Dylan, Tempest (2012), chegou ao 3º lugar tanto do ranking de rock quanto do Billboard 200.

Ele & Ele…

Dylan’s versions

Dylan’s officially released version of the song is a live recording from his April 12, 1963, concert at New York‘s Town Hall. Dylan had recorded the song in December 1962 as a demo for M. Witmark & Sons, his publishing company. This particular recording, long available as a bootleg, was released by Columbia in 2010 on The Bootleg Series Vol. 9: The Witmark Demos: 1962-1964. A studio version of the song, an outtake from the June 1970 sessions for New Morning, has also been bootlegged.

The song was featured in the first season finale of The Walking Dead.[1][2][3]

Elvis Presley version

Elvis Presley recorded the song on May 26, 1966 during a session for his album How Great Thou Art. The song originally appeared as a bonus track on the Spinoutmovie soundtrack album. Dylan once said that Presley’s cover of the song was “the one recording I treasure the most.”[4]

According to Ernst Jorgensen’s’ book Elvis Presley: A Life In Music – The Complete Recording Sessions, Presley first heard the song via Charlie McCoy, who had previously participated in the Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde on Blonde sessions. McCoy played the 1965 Odetta album Odetta Sings Dylan before an Elvis session and Presley “had become taken with ‘Tomorrow Is A Long Time.'”

Dylan has said that this was his favorite cover of any of his songs.[5]