Arquivo da categoria: grosseria

aTRIPA por pollyana & igor…

na boa, se eu ficar alguns segundos a mais aqui no tico, periga o computer entrar em curto por conta

da quantidade de “emoções líquidas” que está desabando sobre ele… pressão brutal! blublu incontrolável!

só me resta agradecer – MUUUITO – à dupla pollyana&igor por ter fechado o curso de jornalismo, na universidade rural (RJ), com esse documentário!

e, claro, agradecer às inoxidáveis presenças de tatiana, dine, z´da mar´, MAM, leon, galdino, jeferson, túlio, carlos e otaner por demonstrarem toneladas de carinho/amizade/companhia/compreensão & paciência com o roNca ao longo de tanto tempo!

pollyana e igor informam que estão finalizando um “bonus track” com registros de tripeiros residentes fora do rio… fora do brasa!

assim que esse material estiver pronto, o tico mostrará!

chego a ouvir a voz da minha mamãe falar à distância: “meu filho, valeu a pena”!

ths is religion… amém!

já viu?



pois, não perca tempo… ESPETACULAR, imperdível… 10, nota 10!

a cena com “space oddity” é um primor… tem arcade fire, altas citações musicais… fueda.

cacilds, a entrada de sean penn – já ao final – é alucicrazy!

saindo de todos os contextos “cabeçudos” (são zilhões) – também – é um filme sobre fotografia e a banalização da informação… o final é arrebatador.

ainda bem que o cinema estava vazio… PQParille!

e a crítica “educada” ao corporativismo mauriçola da atualidade quando mitty vomita na cara do “manda-chuva MEGA escrotinho que se acha pra meirelles”:

– você pode fazer o que bem entender só não precisa ser tão babaca

caraca… levantei, dancei, urrei, aplaudi… ainda bem que o cinema estava vazio!!!

pode, até mesmo, desconsiderar o trailer acima… e não dê a menor bola ao patético bonequinho dos marinho!

o filme está looooonge de ser uma comédia idiota!

olha os cornos “totalmente dennis hopper em apocalypse now” de sean penn…

se você não gostar muito, o shogun devolve o dindim do ingresso!

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grateful dead…

sentiu a estupidez?

ano passado, fiquei todo pimpão com a caixa que consegui (thanks dj) relançando, em vinil, os cinco primeiros discos da banda…

aliás, a melhor dessas novas prensagens… som casca muito grossa… 10, nota 10!

mas, ontem, descobri a estupidez ali de cima no Utube… 73 cds cobrindo as datas européias de jerry garcia & seus bluecaps!

lançada, em 2011, pela rhino.

PQParille… não basta gostar muuuito!

não sei se existe algo parecido no mercado!


ainda é natal…

It was christmas eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me: won’t see another one
And then they sang a song
The rare old mountain dew
I turned my face away and dreamed about you
Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I´ve got a feeling
This year´s for me and you
So happy christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
Where all our dreams come true.

They got cars big as bars
They got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
It´s no place for the old
When you first took my hand on a cold christmas eve
You promised me broadway was waiting for me
You were handsome you were pretty
Queen of new york city when the band finished playing they yelled out for more
Sinatra was swinging all the drunks they were singing
We kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night.

And the boys from the NYPD choir were singing Galway Bay
And the bells were ringing out for christmas day.

You´re a bum you´re a punk
You´re an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy christmas your arse I pray god it´s our last.

And the boys of the NYPD choir’s still singing Galway Bay
And the bells were ringing out
For christmas day

I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can´t make it out alone
I´ve built my dreams around you

And the boys of the NYPD choir’s still singing Galway Bay
And the bells are ringing out
For christmas day

acorda (john+nick)…

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Solid Air is a folk jazz album released in 1973 by John Martyn on Island Records.

Contemporary reviews were favourable with music paper Sounds declaring that Solid Air flows beautifully and shows the entire spectrum of music that John Martyn has at his fingertips.” [1] The album has continued to receive acclaim and is included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die by Robert Dimery.[2] The album was rated as the 67th Greatest British Album Ever by the British music magazine Q, and was also included in their list of Best Chill-Out Albums Of All Time.

“Solid Air”, the title track, was dedicated to a friend of Martyn’s, Nick Drake[citation needed]. Drake died of an antidepressant overdose 18 months after the album was released. Martyn said of the track “It was done for a friend of mine, and it was done right with very clear motives, and I’m very pleased with it, for varying reasons. It has got a very simple message, but you’ll have to work that one out for yourself.”[1]

“May You Never” became something of a signature song for Martyn, becoming a staple of his live performances. Released in November 1971 as a single in an early form, the song was re-recorded during the Solid Air sessions.[3] Eric Clapton covered “May You Never” on his 1977 album Slowhand. When Martyn was presented with a lifetime achievement award by Phil Collins (a collaborator of Martyn’s) at the 2008 BBC Folk Awards, Clapton sent a message saying that he was “so far ahead of everything else it was inconceivable” and acknowledged the extent of his influence on “everyone who ever heard him.”[4][5]Martyn and his band, including John Paul Jones on mandolin, played “May You Never” and “Over The Hill” at the Awards Ceremony.[6]

In 2006, Martyn performed the album live in its entirety as part of the All Tomorrow’s Parties-curated Don’t Look Back series and subsequently toured the UK.

A double CD reissue curated by John Hillarby was released in 2009, including several alternate studio and live versions.