Arquivo da categoria: grosseria

dando uma morrida…


I’m not scared of dying
And I, don’t really care
If it’s peace you find in dying
Well then, let the time be near

If it’s peace you find in dying
Well then dying time is near
Just bundle up my coffin
‘Cause it’s cold way down there
I hear that it’s
Cold way down there, yeah
Crazy cold, way down there

And when I die, and when I’m gone
There’ll be, one child born
In this world
To carry on, to carry on

Now troubles are many
They’re as
Deep as a well
I can swear there ain’t no Heaven
But I pray there ain’t no hell
Swear there ain’t no Heaven
And I’ll pray there ain’t no hell
But I’ll never know by livin’
Only my dyin’ will tell, yes only my
Dyin’ will tell, oh yeah
Only my dyin’ will tell

And when I die, and when I’m gone
There’ll be, one child born, in this world
To carry on, to carry on
Yeah yeah

Give me my freedom
For as long as I be
All I ask of livin’
Is to have no chains on me
All I ask of livin’
Is to have no chains on me
And all I ask of dyin’ is to
Go naturally, only wanna
Go naturally
Here I go!
Hey hey
Here come the devil
Right behind
Look out children, here he come
Here he come, heyyy

Don’t wanna go by the devil
Don’t wanna go by the demon
Don’t wanna go by satan
Don’t wann die uneasy
Just let me go

And when I die, and when I’m dead
Dead and gone
There’ll be
One child born, in our world
To carry on, to carry on

(Laura Nyro)


*** The Boiler ***

[The Special AKA & Rhoda Dakar]

I went out shopping last saturday
I was getting some gear, and this guy offered to pay
Who’s the hunk? I think to myself
For so many years I’ve been left on the shelf
An old boiler

Then we went walking back down the high street
And I felt so proud because he looked so neat
He was a real hard man, tough as they come
He said I was cool but I still felt like
An old boiler

He bid me “Come out”, how could I say no?
He said “Meet me at eight round my place, you know”
With my new gear on, and a blow dried hair-do
But in my mind I knew I was sill
An old boiler

We danced all night long to a nice steady beat
But my hair went to frizz in the terrible heat
My mascara ran, and so did my tights
Confirming in my sight, I must be
An old boiler

So we came out this club, hot and sweaty
Because we’d been dancing all night
And he says to me “Well babe, what you doing then?”
“Well I think I might get a cab” I said casually
“Nah nah, come back to my place, I only live just round the corner
You can go home in the morning, yeah?”
“Well I don’t think so, I’ve only known you a day, It’s a bit soon innit
Give me a ring sometime yeah?”
But then he starts to get mad
“Listen here girl, I bought that gear you got on, I paid you in here tonight
I bought you all them drinks and you wanna go home, I should bleedin coco”
And then he stormed off

Well, I felt a right mug, well you would wouldn’t you
So I ran after him, caught him up
And here we are walking down this street about a hundred miles per hour
Arm in arm, no talking, atmosphere you could have cut with a knife

There’s no-one about, nothing to take your mind off it you know
No cars, not even the occasional stray animal
It was cold and the wind’s whistling through the tree’s
Blowing newspapers accross my legs so I tripped as I tried to keep up withhim
And there was all these alleyways and railway bridges, the stink of piss

The all of a sudden he grabbed hold of my arm
And he starts to drag me up one of these alleyways
Then he starts to hit me really hard across the face, you know
He was hitting me and grabbing at me
It was awful because he was, like, so big
Hitting me he was, and tearing at my clothes
There was nothing I could do honest, I was helpless
And then he tried to rape me, and there was nothing I could do, honest
All I could do was scream, no…

(boiler = moça feia)


a única solução: escola & música…


“Everyday People”

Sometimes I’m right and I can be wrong
My own beliefs are in my song
The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then
Makes no difference what group I’m in
I am everyday people, yeah, yeahThere is a blue one
Who can’t accept the green one
For living with a fat one
Trying to be a skinny one
Different strokes
For different folks

And so on and so on
And scooby dooby dooby
Oh sha sha
We got to live together

I am no better and neither are you
We are the same, whatever we do
You love me, you hate me, you know me and then
You can’t figure out the bag I’m in
I am everyday people, yeah yeah

There is a long hair
That doesn’t like the short hair
For being such a rich one
That will not help the poor one
Different strokes
For different folks

And so on and so on
And scooby dooby dooby
Oh sha sha
We got to live together

There is a yellow one
That won’t accept the black one
That won’t accept the red one
That won’t accept the white one
Different strokes
For different folks

And so on and so on
And scooby dooby dooby
Oh sha sha
I am everyday people

finalmente 2015 começou…

“Esta não é a performance do ano. É a do milénio”, escreve o jornal britânico The Guardian, sobre a última actuação da “rainha da soul”, Aretha Franklin, que comoveu Barack Obama até às lágrimas. Aretha subiu ao palco para actuar na 38.ª gala anual do Kennedy Center, realizada a 6 de Dezembro mas transmitida apenas nesta terça-feira, pela CBS. A ideia era homenagear uma das seis personalidades laureadas, Carole King, que escreveu a canção “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman”. Mas quando a voz de Aretha soou percebeu-se, pela agitação na sala, quem era a estrela. Quando a rainha se calou todos, na sala, estavam em pé. (daqui)
